星期日, 22 12 月

回到了我第一次出國、拍片旅行的城市-京都 很多心境已經不同了。 原本搭紅眼班機累炸,但一出車站就開始被滿滿櫻花包圍, …


26 則留言

  1. Somethings cannot be Searched for,

    only Discovered , " when it's Fate , there is no coincidence ".

    the Season of Cherry Blossom 🌸 is the Time of Dreams ,

    the Tears of a Dreamcatcher are Precious ,

    the fall of the Cherry Blossom Petals 🌸,

    is as the fall of the tears of the Dreamcatcher " ,

    catch the petal , catch the tear , catch the Dream and make a wish .

    " See the Beauty🌹 ,

    in what you Love ♥".

    this is the way of the Legendary Dreamcatcher ✨🌠

  2. 有同感,京都也是我第一次出國去玩的地方,雖然是家人跟團,但一切都很新鮮。

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