Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Email 歡迎來到我的頻道,這次我們乘坐齒軌鐵路穿越巴塞羅那周圍風景如畫的山脈,看到鄉村的壯麗景色和瞭解該地區的迷人歷史。 Ep6巴塞隆納近郊景點 Montserrat_軒仔日常 自由行2022 葡萄牙西班牙 蒙塞拉特修道院黑色聖母齒軌火車 軒仔旅遊 韓國一日遊 韓國一日遊 行程 韓國旅遊 韓國旅遊景點 韓國自由行 韓國自由行推薦 韓國自由行行程
Clement Ho on 2023 年 2 月 20 日 下午 12:38 仲係麵包,仲係麵包… there's never any shortage of bread in Europe, ha ha. I was so happy to see Plaça d'Espanya and Las Arenas, because my hotel was also in this neighbourhood. Reply
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仲係麵包,仲係麵包… there's never any shortage of bread in Europe, ha ha. I was so happy to see Plaça d'Espanya and Las Arenas, because my hotel was also in this neighbourhood.
finally 😂
The view atop the mountain is gorgeous ! ❤
Montserrat is stunningly beautiful. 多謝分享