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開年偶像劇滑坡, CP營業大亂鬥,誰在拼命“炒”? The Decline of New Year's Idol Dramas: The CP Marketing Free-for-All _WenTop10
Cyan Daniel on 2020 年 3 月 8 日 下午 9:13 狐小茶受伤,感情升温,,科学上网,解封外网,4k品质,支持手机,电脑全时段使用,三网CN2 GIA线路,最低1元成交,注册体验双免费,VPN/机场长期服务网址:deyun125点xyz Reply
Zuzu Style☺️ on 2020 年 4 月 29 日 上午 3:18 Can someone please tell me what is the name of this anime and if I can see it with eng sub? Reply
7 則留言
狐小茶受伤,感情升温,,科学上网,解封外网,4k品质,支持手机,电脑全时段使用,三网CN2 GIA线路,最低1元成交,注册体验双免费,VPN/机场长期服务网址:deyun125点xyz
Is there no episode 1 and 2?
Can someone please tell me what is the name of this anime and if I can see it with eng sub?