绿毛小子和乌明路的同居日常,看这里→https://bit.ly/shihuang 世界能源枯竭后,人们新建了巨型城市——绯斯市。绯斯市的中学生·乌明路因撒谎次数过多被城市“系统”判定为恶人,并遭到邪恶物种“业障”的攻击。绯斯市派出谎言监察者·怜恩来帮助乌明路“矫正”恶习。然而两人相遇后被卷入层层漩涡,那些不为人知的秘密也在缓缓揭开……
这里有超虐的娱乐圈姐弟恋《1st Kiss》,当季新番X国漫黑马《嗜谎之神》,还有适合宅家观看的大电影观感系列,把动漫当成大电影来看是一种什么爽快的感受?赶紧来@优酷动漫 官方频道一起玩耍吧!
Shi Huang Zhi Shen/God of Deception
The story happened in a fictional city. After the humanity has run out of the energy resources, 12 new huge cities have been founded. All these cities have a system that is capable of evaluating its citizens’ deeds. A high school student Wu Minglu, since he lies too much, is cast into the rank of the bad guys. As a result, the system tries to get rid of the irregularity and kill Wu Minglu, sending The Punishers of Karma to kill him. However, Wu Minglu is saved by an unknown person, who claims to know how to save him. Will Wu Minglu survive the ordeal?
Watch God of Deception full episodes https://bit.ly/shihuang
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