星期一, 10 3 月

釜山續集VLOG 2來了!


地址:釜山廣域市海雲臺區青沙浦路116 (中洞)
1. Sky天空膠囊列車(스카이캡슐) 2樓
2. 海岸列車(해변열차) 1樓


地址:1082-1 Jangnim-dong, Saha-gu, Busan

📍清道柿子酒隧道 (청도 와인터널)

📍海東龍宮寺(해동 용궁사)

00:00 精彩預告
00:41 海雲台海岸列車
01:24 青沙浦天空步道
03:11 搭乘遊艇初體驗
04:05 柿子酒莊隧道
05:33 海東龍宮寺
07:18 釜山西面鬧區
08:00 %TENPERCENT Coffee
08:28 長林浦口
08:57 馬鈴薯排骨湯

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Email / [email protected]

Sign up for a 60-day free trial here (60天免費試用)👇🏻:

Music by Mason Murphy – Basement –

Music by 브금대통령 – Naptime! –

Sunkissed by Ikson
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs

The content shown in the video is copyrighted, any illegal reproduction and transformation of this content will result in immediate legal action.

#韓國旅遊 #koreavlog #travelvlog #釜山 #부산 #busan


2 則留言

  1. Hello! My name is Woo and I work at the TenPercent Cafe in Busan. I'm really grateful and happy that TenPercent was introduced in Josephine's YouTube video. I'm also grateful to Josephine 🤗 Please show lots of love to Josephine's channel, which has great energy, and subscribe.

    If you come up 50m from exit 8 of Yeonsan-dong station in Busan, you'll find the TenPercent Cafe. I can speak a little Chinese. Please visit the TenPercent Cafe often. We promise delicious coffee and friendly service.

    I'd like to thank everyone who watches this video, and I'll pray for your happiness.

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