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2025米蘭時裝周明星穿搭全解析誰是你的style? Milan Fashion Week2025: Celebrity Outfit Breakdown,Which Style Is Yours? _WenTop10
Buica Paul on 2023 年 3 月 11 日 下午 6:57 In English, don't write the title because you'll cough or you'll feel sick, and don't even open MULTISUB because it'll hurt… EMBARRASSING Reply
Buica Paul on 2023 年 3 月 11 日 下午 7:07 "Subtitles are not available"…don't you have any shame?…are you doing them only for yourselves? it's a pity to press MULTISUB?…why post them on Youtube then?…make a separate channel just for you and that's it…embarrassing Reply
3 則留言
In English, don't write the title because you'll cough or you'll feel sick, and don't even open MULTISUB because it'll hurt… EMBARRASSING
"Subtitles are not available"…don't you have any shame?…are you doing them only for yourselves? it's a pity to press MULTISUB?…why post them on Youtube then?…make a separate channel just for you and that's it…embarrassing