星期日, 16 3 月

[移民英國] 今集會同大家介紹英國Bath巴斯!! 如果仲意條片既大家賞面like&subscribe 又或者可以去下面條link請我主子食個罐罐, …


25 則留言

  1. Just because Bath (town centre) is a tourist area doesn't mean you have to go to the tourist area (city centre) all the time. Has very little bearing on your choice if you want to live here. The tourist area is quite small, and you are unlikely to be living right in it anyway.

    But property *is* expensive here.

  2. I join the one day tour with my mom few years ago from London Stonehenge + Bath . Good to know Bristol from your Channel next time will go with my mom…( 2 old women ) Like all your video….Keep up your good work.

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