星期日, 16 3 月

►歡迎訂閱:https://goo.gl/TYV4Pa 喜歡看漫畫的小伙伴看過來啦~ 每天更新各種有趣的漫畫哦!走過路過,記得點個訂閱哦~ ❤加入頻道會員即可獲享【搶先看】最新動畫的福利👉:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8r57bRU8OrpXnLFNC0ym7Q/join


20 則留言

  1. Nice animation looking forward to next chapter. Can producer look into the sound system seems like the music is louder than the dialogue. Thanks. Appreciate that the anime can continue to the end, please don't stop half way.

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