星期日, 23 2 月


今次係拍關於返工嘅影片, 同時因為係以一個Vlog嘅形式拍攝, 所以節奏會比較輕鬆, 希望大家會鍾意。
如果未知道嘅話, 其實我係一間航空公司嘅空中服務員, 亦因為工作性質關係所以會有機會去到唔同嘅地方, 希望可以從中帶多一啲來自唔同地方嘅趣事或者美食同大家分享。

1247 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA 94133, United States

1029 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133, United States

如果喜歡我視頻, 不妨訂閱, 讚好, 分享甚至留言, 謝謝大家支持!!
如果想看到更多個人日常生活可以去 Instagram 或 Facebook @doitwithb 關注我的個人專頁
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*English subtitles available*
*Contents in this video is solely my personal opinion and it does not necessarily reflects the views and opinions of the companies being shown in the video*

This is my work related vlog, and being a vlog style video, the filming will be more casual and spontaneous, hope you will like this new style!
And if you don’t know yet, I am a flight attendant and also because of the unique conditions to this job, I may sometimes be able to go to different parts of the world, and in the process, I hope I can bring back interesting things and delicious food from around the world to share with you.

New Moon Restaurant
1247 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA 94133, United States

Golden Gate Bakery
1029 Grant Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133, United States

If you like what you are seeing on my channel, please take a second to Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share. Thank you again for supporting my channel!
For more about myself please follow me on Instagram or Facebook @doitwithb
Instagram link here:
Facebook link here:


##飛人生活25 #三藩市篇唐人街外賣點心早餐 #真心有驚喜 #食過翻尋味 #FAVlog25 #SFO #Layover #Dim #Sum #Breakfast #San #Francisco


18 則留言

  1. 加拿大華人鋪、商場改名都好近似😄金門餅家、好旺角(新旺角),好多都同香港嘅名一樣。呢種外賣盒🥡多倫多有,我喺Bayview Village 入面間Thai Express 見過。睇你食緊煎釀三寶時,我好肚餓😆

  2. 我住在三潘市附近的埠仔,金门饼家的蛋挞不错,好旺角的点心便宜味道还可以,我哥住多伦多,希望迟点可以过去探望一下,也想去看看没去过的多伦多与我们这边有什么不同的。

  3. 其實係叫Trader Joe’s, 唔係Traders Joe😄。金門蛋撻係好食嘅,有機會你真係要試下。其實三藩市以前有間好好食嘅cheesecake 叫 Zanze’s cheesecake。cheesecake 口感好特別,好fluffy。係一個阿伯整嘅cheesecake, 我哋唔記得間鋪叫咩名,所以成日叫佢阿伯cheesecake。兩年前阿伯88歲退休無做啦,好可惜😭。

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