星期四, 27 2 月

#韓國自由行 #釜山 #打卡好去處 #日落 #後疫情時代 #triptokorea #busan #sunset

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大家好!在三年後終於又到韓國的Gary & YY,怎麼可能只在首爾停留?把握三年來第一次的自由行,我們來到了韓國南端的釜山。作為近年的「打卡」勝地之一,釜山的白險灘文化村 (흰여울문화마을) 是匯集絕美海岸線﹑日落美景﹑壁畫﹑文青咖啡店等特色景點的海岸村。就讓Gary帶大家看看這個年輕人必到的景點,到底有什麼吸引之處。

Hiiii everyone! Being the first trip after 3-years of pandemic, in Korea, Gary & YY took the train to Busan and visited the Huinnyeoul Culture Village. Huinnyeoul Village is an attraction newly emerged in Busan just before the pandemic. The village is known for its stunning coastline view, sunsets, colorful murals and stylish cafes. Let’s tour with Gary and see why people like the village so much.

特色咖啡店推薦 [Cafes Recommended]
[最推薦的文青﹑暖心Cafe] Yeoul Chaek Jang (Yeoul Bookshelf) – –
[植物環繞的”打卡”Cafe] 費拉咖啡廳(Cafe Fira)——
[自帶壁畫的Cafe] Cafe Yeoul (Cafe Yeoul) –
[白色房子的網紅Cafe] Cafe Gurme(雲端)-


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