星期一, 20 1 月

40 則留言

  1. 恐山(日語:恐山/おそれざん(おそれやま) Osore-zan (Osore-yama) ),位於日本青森縣陸奧市,是下北半島中部的外輪山、靈場。與高野山、比叡山並為日本三大靈場之一。靈場內有許多種類的溫泉,屬於下北半島國定公園。海拔878米。

    Mount Osore (恐山, Osore-zan) is the name of a Buddhist temple and folk religion pilgrimage destination in the center of remote Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture, in the northern Tōhoku region of northern Japan. The temple is located in the caldera of an active volcano and is believed in Japanese mythology to be one of the gates to the underworld.

    Lake Usori (宇曽利湖, Usori-ko) is a volcanic crater lake in northern Honshū island, Japan. It is also referred to as Lake Usorisan (宇曽利山湖, Usorizan-ko). Located in the Shimokita Peninsula of Aomori Prefecture. Lake Usori is located in the volcanic Osorezan Mountains, of which the famed Mount Osore forms one portion. From the surrounding caldera walls, some ten streams drain into Lake Usori, but there is only one outlet, the 13.85 kilometer Shotsu River, which drains into the Tsugaru Strait.
    The lake is noted for the extreme acidity of its water, with an average pH of around 3.3 to 3.4. Geologists attribute this to hydrogen sulfide seeping from the caldera bottom, forming sulfuric acid in the lake water. Due to its acidity, the lake is home to only one subspecies of Japanese dace, along with several insect species. However, the lake is a noted spot for waterfowl.
    Max depth 23.5m
    Surface elevation 209m
    – Wikipedia

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