星期日, 7 7 月

香港人如去愛丁堡遊走,應該要去呢度探索一下,無諗過咁多野睇,我太晏去遺憾仲有啲區域都未去到就關門,未能細味當中環境同歷史,博物館有提供廣東話導覽真係好有驚喜 !

#2022 #英國 #蘇格蘭 #愛丁堡 #皇家郵艇 #不列顛尼亞號 #uk #scotland #edinburgh #britannia #海外生活


Footage & Music used in the video are not mine.
All right go to rightful owners.
Support original artists give proper credits of needed or stated above.

Thanks footage

Royal Yacht Britannia was monument for many of Prince Philip’s passions and beliefs ITV News

香港主權移交:當時 BBC 如何報道

Hong Kong – Royal yacht arrives ahead of handover

Thanks music

Lazy Walk – Cheel
Melancholia – Godmode
To Ponder – Godmode
In Memory of Jean Talon – Mini Vandals
Floating Home – Brian Bolger
Music by Joyce Chen – i’m so glad you’re here (nathania) –
Aletheia (Unforgetting) – Devon Church
God Save the Queen


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