星期日, 24 11 月

在此處下載 Endel:感謝 Endel 贊助此視頻! 🙂 喜歡我的首飾嗎? 您可以在購買時使用我的代碼 APRIL2021 享受 10% 的折扣! 💙 我的 VLOG 頻道:在哪裡可以找到我的更多內容?! Twitch:Instagram:Twitter:Patreon:Spotify:Discord:Deezer:業務諮詢:[email protected] 給我發郵件:PO Box 2603 Prince George, VA 23875



38 則留言

  1. You should be proud that you didn't sit in front of a mirror for hours and put a mask on. The most beautiful women are ones that don't have to hide their true selves. Shows courage and confidence to do that in front of millions of people.

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