星期六, 5 10 月

#綜藝#萌娃一檔大型少兒圓夢節目。面向全國以及海外各地選拔年齡在3至12歲之間的天才寶貝,努力尋找挖掘在某一方面具有天賦異禀的孩子,為他們搭建展示才華的舞台,實現明星導師與孩子零距離接觸,讓孩子通過明星導師的指導在藝術上得到幫助和提升,最終推選最優秀的孩子上春晚►播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLHtyw-K5t0&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfJU3BdHmdzl4NdAhWzlOYQ&index=1 ►歡迎訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F4faaDkeGqun0LoM_k5JQ/featured?sub_confirmation=1 【王芳王為念訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QJQZgXaB8c&list=PLjj8WJnZ7?v=8QJQZgXaB8c&list=PLjj8WJn17&FJ3&wi​​Y 【中國好故事】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQZe02Sy7p0&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfhqRBmvG_EOQThQkMtQBN9&index=1&t=18s 【俄國人在中國】:https://www.www. PLj8WJnZ7vUGdlL-I8RnlbPgJacw8jhXg1&index=1 【星星訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf1JWxIGPJk&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfa-Mk3TcgFi8F2M5501


20 則留言

  1. What a brilliant black man can sing can dance and even can speaks a first class mandarin on the Peking big entertainment stage! His future will be bright following year coming in China! That is how he struggling hard leaning Chinese languages and sing mandarin songs like a local Chinese!❤

  2. Great! Just the name of the song mention by her girlfriend mother, he learned very fast not only he sang out the song and also teaches her how to dance! What an excellent man that not only living in China and will also be the son in law of China!❤

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