星期三, 2 10 月

#情感#訪談欄目製片人、主持人謝一菲將攜手學者周國平、儲殷,青年作家蔣方舟等文化名人組成絲路尋訪團,走近在中國追夢的老外,深入挖掘絲路背後的故事►播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGe6Bk2q29ap–XgJuxNmXeY ►歡迎訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F4faaDkeGqun0LoM_k5JQ/featured?sub_confirmation=1 【王芳王為念訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QJQZgXaB8c&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGc-FVpnwYzWkibz7d4AGhLA&index=1 【中國好故事】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQZe02Sy7p0&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfhqRBmvG_EOQThQkMtQBN9&index=1&t=18s 【俄國人在中國】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6fkO9GbuuI&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGdlL-I8RnlbPgJacw8jhXg1&index=1 【星訪談】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf1JWxIGPJk&list=PLj8WJnZ7vUGfa-Mk3TcgFi8F2M5hGN1z1&index=1


20 則留言

  1. Well done. China will never forget its humble beginning after WW2 and the civil war. Now that China is in a better financial position and have the technical knowhow, China will be helping the poor. Keep going China. Let the West slander you, you have done all the right things for the under privilege.

    To all mainland Chinese, I would to say well done and thank you. You have made China proud.

  2. 自己國家那麼多窮孩子七八歲兩三歲窮的吃草吃菜葉子,你跑到非洲企還有他媽的臉皮在這個上面講話誰相信你那你要變成侯侯猴子一樣星星他媽連你自己的國家的人不去孩子不起不起幫助幫助別人管你娘的但

  3. Human kind come in all colour black red or tan they may look different but they belong to the family of man,when they are hurt and cry it hurt our heart, the world goes round , human must thank heaven by loving one another,

  4. 在中国赚中国人民的钱,把钱拿到非洲去做善事,怪不得中国大陆人这么穷,好多人没有福利,吃里扒外能搞好生活吗?大陆的有钱人在国外肩了很多钱,自己成了慈善家,有钱人的钱都是靠剥削得来的,应该给回中国人民才对,

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