星期六, 21 12 月

訂閱【綜藝風向標】綜藝八卦全知道! ► http://bit.ly/showfever 🌊《樂隊的海邊》精彩合輯🌊 會員搶先看:https://bit.ly/3TT0Fms 會員專享:https://bit.ly/3ht9JAc 完整版:https://bit.ly/3zV6Oqj ▹▹更多精彩專題◃◃ 〔娛樂最頭條〕http://bit.ly/36l48RE 〔愛豆大拷問〕http://bit.ly/2vHz9wU 〔綜藝最熱門〕http://bit.ly/2qBY1t3 #乘風破浪#樂隊的海邊#星星的約定#於文文#Jessica #girlsgeneration


3 則留言

  1. ❤️ all 6 sisters! Jess is hilarious, hiding under the table like a kitty 😺😂 soooo adorable when she speaks Chinese, but immediately transforms into the consummate singer she is once she's on stage, quite a contrast lol 😂🥰

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